Sri Ramanand Saraswati Pustkalay (srsp), has been active in one of the most backward areas of Uttar Pradesh which is again very down on the ladder of human development index in India. It is located in village Jokehara of district Azamgarh. Azamgarh, traditionally has been a district without any major industries and totally dependent on conventional agriculture. The per hectare yield of two major crops of wheat and rice in this area has been almost half compared to Western UP. The area suffers from ills such as gender and caste discriminations and malnutrition, poor infrastructure and poor facilities of health and education.
When in 1993 this organization came into existence it was supposed to be a small library committed to promote habit of reading, a small beginning with less than two hundred books with no building of its own and skeleton furniture donated by the villagers themselves. But , gradual exposure to the problems of the people and area made it very clear to the promoters of the organization that unless we take up the programs related to the capacity building , sustainable income generation and propagation of values necessary for gender just society mere addiction to books my not help people . After lot of experience sharing and feedbacks from the community the promoters decided to initially focus on capacity building. Gradually the organization diversified its activities. From capacity building to skill up gradation – it is a long journey. With the help of theatre and various training activities SRSP is trying to intervene and make lives of marginalized people more livable.
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